Common Divorce Mistakes That Cost A Lot Of Money

  • Failing to sufficiently educate yourself about all the things you need to know about getting divorced
  • Erroneously believe that your lawyer is the one who is managing the case
  • Ailing to appreciate that you are required to make very important strategic decisions at a time when you are least able to do so
  • Failing to correctly instructing your lawyer often sets the tone for the outcome of your divorce settlement
  • Underestimating your spouse’s reaction to the divorce and failing to recognize how upset your spouse really may be
  • Assume that ‘being reasonable and ‘being conciliatory with an unreasonable spouse will lead to an equitable settlement
  • Mistakenly believe that the court will provide justice
  • Wrongly believe that divorce laws support equity and equality and fairness to its full extent.
  • Misinformed regarding how to control and reduce the cost of your legal fees and tat correctly instructing your lawyer often sets the tone for the outcome of your divorce settlement
  • Provide your lawyer with unrealistic or non-factual information about your situation
  • Underestimating the new emotional and practical boundaries that are needed to be established when separating or when divorce proceedings begin
  • Failing to provide clear and unambiguous instructions to your lawyer
  • Letting other people, including your children, influence your decision making
  • Miscalculating the communication challenges occurring between the lawyers and both parties